Lehman Brothers Climate Change Workshop, New York City
Lehman Brothers recently established its Council on Climate Change to bring together leaders from industry, policy, and academia to discuss the political and business implications of climate change. On December 6–7, 2007, they hosted the inaugural Council on Climate Change Summit in New York. Project Co-Director Robert Stavins presented during the Policy Options and Solutions workshop session.
James L. Connaughton, Chairman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, also spoke at the Lehman Brothers Summit. His presentation described the Bush Administration's climate change policy and "Key Elements of Major Economies Discussions" — the Administration's initiative involving the major emitters setting national goals. Mr. Connaughton's presentation may be downloaded below.
Stavins, Robert N. “A Comprehensive U.S. Cap-and-Trade System: A Sensible and Practical Approach to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions.” December 5, 2007