
Conventional Forces and American Defense Policy


Revised Edition


These fourteen essays analyze several major areas of American conventional defense: the new administration's defense policy the state of the NATO Warsaw Pact conventional balance, the effectiveness of NATO's conventional strategy and problems associated with projecting military power in the Third World. Over half of the chapters in this edition are new, and two others have been extensively revised and updated.

Contributors include Barry R. Posen, John Mearsheimer, Malcolm Chalmers, Lutz Unterseher, Eliot A. Cohen, John W. R. Lepingwell, Joshua Epstein, Richard K. Betts, Samuel P. Huntington, Robert D. Blackwill, and Jack Snyder.

Recommended citation

“Conventional Forces and American Defense Policy.” Edited by Lynn-Jones, Sean and Steven E. Miller. MIT Press, August 1989

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