from Climate Change National Forum

The Fossil-free Movement at Harvard


Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program Research Fellow and Divest Harvard Board Member Benjamin Franta was interviewed for this article.

"Symbols matter, because they signal our intent, and they invite other people to join in our intent." ― Naomi Oreskes, Professor, Harvard University.

Almost 20 years have gone by since that confident moment in Kyoto when leaders of nearly all the planet’s nations signed on to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In the rain that day, on the grounds of JFK airport, a proud President Clinton declared, "[The agreement] reflects a commitment by our generation to act in the interest of future generations."

Babies born that year are adults now. They look back on two decades of political gridlock and inaction. In a way, they are the first generation our leadership has failed, on that promise, to protect...

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Recommended citation

Liu, Lulu. “The Fossil-free Movement at Harvard.” Climate Change National Forum, April 15, 2015

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