Reports & Papers
from Managing the Atom Project, Belfer Center

IAEA Verification of Fissile Material in Support of Nuclear Disarmament


This report proposes a framework for IAEA verification of steps toward nuclear disarmament. The proposal is premised on IAEA verification of fissile material, in any form, whether classified or not, that is submitted by any state possessing nuclear weapons, whether party to the NPT or not. The report identifies technical, legal, and financial solutions to the challenges posed by such verification, and describes a way forward to the full implementation of the proposed framework. The tool that Laura Rockwood and Thomas E. Shea offer, built on a vast amount of careful technical and legal work already done under the Trilateral Initiative of the 1990s and early 2000s, is ready for any state with nuclear weapons to take up, finish the final details, and implement.

Recommended citation

Rockwood, Laura and Thomas E. Shea. “IAEA Verification of Fissile Material in Support of Nuclear Disarmament.” Managing the Atom Project, Belfer Center, April 27, 2015

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