The next NPT Review Conference, which is 5 months away, is facing several challenges. Iran, North Korea, and the Weapons of Mass Desctruction Free Zone in the Middle East are top on the list of concerns. But we should also pay more attention to the increasing building of second-strike nuclear capability by India and Pakistan, which will change during the coming decade fundamentally the nuclear landsape in the region.
In Japan, much of the focus is in the cleanup activities in Fukushima, and the hardening and starting up of some nuclear power reactors, but also the reassessment of the nuclear policy, and, in particular, the recycling of spent fuel, is approaching.
In terms of proliferation concerns, Iran and North Korea remain of serious concern and focus. Let me say a few words here on the Iran nuclear negotiations that have recently resulted in a further extension of talks.
The full speech may be downloaded below.
Heinonen, Olli. “International Efforts for Ensuring Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Nonproliferation, and Expectations for Japan.” December 3, 2014
The full text of this publication is available in the link below.