Reports & Papers
from Harvard Kennedy School

Preparing for Terrorism: What Governors and Mayors Should Do


Since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the United States, domestic preparedness has become a critical part to any State’s disaster management planning. In this memorandum to State and local officials from the Executive Session on Domestic Preparedness, important issues were addressed on domestic preparedness to provide guidance to elected officials in preparing for the threat of terrorism. Key components of a comprehensive preparedness strategy were presented and included: (1) threat assessment; (2) prepare to meet the threat; (3) training and practice; and (4) coordinate key resources. The final section of the report outlined State and local government priorities for change that consisted of: (1) medical and public health; (2) communication; (3) cross-jurisdictional and cross-professional coordination; and (4) planning for multiple contingencies.

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