from Journal of Risk Research

Socio-Technical Challenges of Nuclear Power Production and Waste Management after Fukushima

This special issue of the Journal of Risk Research, guest edited by Behnam Taebi and Ibo van de Poel presents a number of papers that deal with the socio-technical challenges of nuclear power production and nuclear waste management in the post-Fukushima era, from nuclear power as a climate mitigation strategy to the participatory turn in radioactive waste management and responsible risk communication.


  • "The socio-technical challenges of nuclear power production and waste management in the post-Fukushima era: editors’ overview" – Behnam Taebi & Ibo van de Poel
  • "Nuclear power as a climate mitigation strategy – technology and proliferation risk" Mariliis Lehtveer & Fredrik Hedenus
  • "After Fukushima: nuclear power and societal choice" – Lars Löfquist
  • "Ethics, risk, and safety culture: reflections on Fukushima and beyond" – William E. Kastenberg
  • "Structure, agency and post-Fukushima nuclear policy: an alliance-context-actantiality model of political change" – Matthew Cotton
  • "Nuclear energy, responsible risk communication and moral emotions: a three level framework" – Jessica Nihlén Fahlquist & Sabine Roeser
  • "The participatory turn in radioactive waste management: deliberation and the social–technical divide" – Anne Bergmans, Göran Sundqvist, Drago Kos & Peter Simmons
  • "Using expert elicitation to characterise long-term tectonic risks to radioactive waste repositories in Japan" – E. Scourse, W.P. Aspinall & N. Chapman
  • "Long-term repository governance: a socio-technical challenge" – Catharina Landström & Anne Bergmans
  • "Ethics and the management of spent nuclear fuel" – Carl Reinhold Bråkenhielm

Recommended citation

Taebi, Behnam and Ibo van de Poel. “Socio-Technical Challenges of Nuclear Power Production and Waste Management after Fukushima.” Journal of Risk Research, January 1, 2015

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