To mitigate climate change and its impacts, the Paris Agreement of 2015 offers participating countries the opportunity to cooperate with one another when implementing their required national emission reduction targets.
The mechanisms designed to assist this process are intended to make it easier to achieve agreed-to reduction targets. The cooperation mechanisms described in Article 6 of the Paris Agreement form the legal framework to allow use of market-based climate change mitigation mechanisms.
The Harvard Project on Climate Agreements has released a volume of 17 briefs summarizing research on options for implementing Article 6, the evolution of market-based systems, and how these two processes might best support each other. The briefs are designed for negotiators, policymakers, and other stakeholders, as they consider how to carry out the Paris Agreement in order to realize its potential to effectively address global climate change.
Read the full briefs here.
"Using Market Mechanisms to Advance Paris Agreement." Belfer Center Newsletter, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, Fall/Winter 2017-2018.