8. BCSIA Publications
Pascal Bader, "Targets and Strategies: The Role of Economic Assessments in European Climate Policy," No. 98-14 (September 1998)
Liliana Botcheva, "Doing Is Believing: Participation and Use of Economic Assessments in the Approximation of EU Environmental Legislation in Eastern Europe," No. 98-13 (September 1998)
David Cash, "Assessing and Addressing Cross-Scale Environmental Risks: Information and Decision Systems for the Management of the High Plains Aquifer," No. 98-17 (September 1998)
Alex Farrell and Terry J. Keating, "Multi-Jurisdictional Air Pollution Assessment: A Comparison of the Eastern United States and Western Europe," No. 98-12 (September 1998)
Karen Fisher-Vanden, "Technological Diffusion in China''s Iron and Steel Industry." No. 98-26 (December 1998)
Wendy E. Franz, "Science, Skeptics, and Non-State Actors in the Greenhouse," No. 98-18 (September 1998)
Robert W. Hahn, "The Impact of Economics on Environmental Policy,." No. 99-01 (January 1999)
Robert W. Hahn and Robert N. Stavins, "What Has Kyoto Wrought? The Real Architecture of International Tradeable Permit Markets,." No. 99-02 (February 1999)
Alastair Iles, "The Evolution of Acidification Impact Frames in Europe: Interactions Between Regional and National Assessment of Forest Conditions," 98-19 (September 1998)
Terry J. Keating and Alex Farrell, "Problem Framing and Model Formulation: The Regionality of Tropospheric Ozone in the U.S. and Europe," No. 98-11 (September 1998)
Henry Lee, "Designing Domestic Carbon Trading Systems: Key Considerations," No. 98-21 (October 1998)
Clark Miller, "Extending Assessment Communities to Developing Countries," No. 98-15 (September 1998)
Susanne Moser, "Talk Globally, Walk Locally: The Cross-Scale Influence of Global Change Information on Coastal Zone Management in Maine and Hawai''i," No. 98-16 (September 1998)
Thomas Parris and Charles Zracket and William Clark, "Usable Knowledge for Managing Responses to Global Climate Change: Recommendations to Promote Collaborative Assessments and Information Systems," No. 98-27 (September 1998)
Anthony Patt, "Analytic Frameworks and Politics: The Case of Acid Rain in Europe," No. 98-20 (September 1998)
Paul Samson, "Non-State Actors and Environmental Assessment: A Look at Acid Rain and Global Climate Change," No. 98-10 (September 1998)
Robert N. Stavins and Richard Newell, "Climate Change and Forest Sinks: Factors Affecting the Costs of Carbon Sequestration," No. 98-23 (November 1998)
Stacy D. VanDeveer, "European Politics with a Scientific Face: Transition Countries, International Environmental Assessment, and Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution," No. 98-09 (September 1998)
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International Security
Volume 23, Number 1 (Summer 1998)
Gail W. Lapidus, "Contested Sovereignty: The Tragedy of Chechnya"
Kimberly Ann Elliott, "The Sanctions Glass: Half Full or Completely Empty?"
Robert A. Pape, "Why Economic Sanctions Still Do Not Work"
Joseph Lepgold, "NATO''s Post-Cold War Collective Action Problem"
Kurt Dassel, "Civilians, Soldiers, and Strife: Domestic Sources of International Aggression"
Michael C. Desch, "Culture Clash: Assessing the Importance of Ideas in Security Studies"
Ted Hopf, "The Promise of Constructivism in International Relations Theory"
Volume 23, Number 2 (Fall 1998)
Elizabeth Kier, "Homosexuals in the U.S. Military: Open Integration and Combat Effectiveness"
Charles A. Kupchan, "After Pax Americana: Benign Power, Regional Integration, and the Sources of a Stable Multipolarity"
Colin H. Kahl, "Population Growth, Environmental Degradation, and State-Sponsored Violence: The Case of Kenya, 1991-93"
Chaim D. Kaufmann, "When All Else Fails: Ethnic Population Transfers and Partitions in the Twentieth Century"
Sean M. Lynn-Jones, "Realism and America''s Rise: A Review Essay"
Ian Davidson and Philip H. Gordon, "Assessing European Foreign Policy"
David A. Baldwin and Robert A. Pape, "Evaluating Economic Sanctions
Volume 23, Number 3 (Winter 1998/99)
Ole R. Holsti, "A Widening Gap between the Military and Civilian Society? Some Evidence, 1976-96"
G. John Ikenberry, "Institutions, Strategic Restraint, and the Persistence of American Postwar Order"
Robert J. Art, "Geopolitics Updated: The Strategy of Selective Engagement"
Erica Strecker Downs and Phillip C. Saunders, "Legitimacy and the Limits of Nationalism: China and the Diaoyu Islands"
John M. Owen, IV, "The Canon and the Cannon: A Review Essay"
James W. Davis, Jr., Bernard I. Finel, Stacie E. Goddard, Stephen Van Evera, and Charles L. Glaser and Chaim Kaufmann, "Taking Offense at Offense-Defense Theory"
Volume 23, Number 4 (Spring 1999)
Stephen M. Walt, "Rigor or Rigor Mortis? Rational Choice and Security Studies"
Thomas J. Christensen, "China, the U.S.-Japan Alliance, and the Security Dilemma in East Asia
Robert S. Ross, "The Geography of the Peace: East Asia in the Twenty-first Century"
Christopher S. Parker, "New Weapons for Old Problems: Conventional Proliferation and Military Effectiveness in Developing States"
Å umit Ganguly, "India''s Pathway to Pokhran II: The Prospects and Sources of New Delhi''s Nuclear Weapons Program"
Samina Ahmed, "Pakistan''s Nuclear Weapons Program: Turning Points and Nuclear Choices"
BCSIA Studies in International Security
Andrew Bennett, Condemned to Repetition? The Rise and Fall of Soviet-Russian Military Interventionism, 1973-1997 (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1999)
Joshua Lederberg, ed., Biological Weapons: Limiting the Threat (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1999)
Sean M. Lynn-Jones, with Christopher Layne, Should America Spread Democracy? A Debate (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, forthcoming 1999)
Devin T. Hagerty, The Consequences of Nuclear Proliferation: Lessons from South Asia (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1998)
International Security Readers
America''s Strategic Choices
Theories of War and Peace
International Security Discussion Papers
Kate O''Neill, "Not Getting to Go: Recent Experience in International Cooperation over the Management of Spent Nuclear Reactor Fuel" (No. 98-22)
Richard Grant, "Power and Prosperity: Challenges and Opportunities for Small States" (No. 99-03)
Ashton B.Carter, with Steven E. Miller and Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, Fulfilling the Promise: Building an Enduring Security Relationship between Ukraine and NATO, Preventive Defense Project publications, Vol. 1, No. 4 (1998)
Ashton B. Carter and William J. Perry, Preventive Defense: A New Security Strategy for America (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 1999)
Colin Elman and Miriam Fendius Elman, eds., International History and Politics: Bridges and Boundaries (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, forthcoming 1999)
Peter Grose, OPERATION ROLLBACK (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, forthcoming 1999)
Emily Landau, Rapporteur, "Challenges to Global and Middle East Security," conference report from BCSIA-CSS International Conference, June 15-16, 1998, Herzlia Beach, Israel
Sean M. Lynn-Jones, "Realism and Security Studies," in Craig Snyder, ed., Contemporary Security Studies (London: Macmillan, forthcoming 1999)
Sean M. Lynn-Jones, with Christopher Layne, Should America Spread Democracy? A Debate (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, forthcoming 1999)
Tom Sauer, Nuclear Arms Control: Nuclear Deterrence in the Post-Cold War Period (New York: St. Martin''s Press, 1998)
Jessica Eve Stern, The Ultimate Terrorists (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1999)
Samina Ahmed, "Dangerous Games," Newsline, June 1999, pp. 32-33
Samina Ahmed, "Diplomatic Fiasco," Newsline, July 1999, pp. 37-38
Samina Ahmed, "Pakistan''s Nuclear Weapons Program: Moving Forward or Tactical Retreat?" in Å umit Ganguly, ed., Testing Times: India, Pakistan, China, and the United States after May 1998 (Lanham Md. Rowman and Littlefield: forthcoming, 1999)
Samina Ahmed, "Security Dilemmas of a Nuclear Pakistan," in Devesh Kapur, ed., South Asia''s Nuclear Dilemma (Cambridge, Mass.: Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, forthcoming 1999)
Ashton B. Carter, John Deutch, and Philip Zelikow, "Catastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger," Foreign Affairs, Vol. 77, No. 6 (November/December 1998)
Ashton B. Carter, with Steven E. Miller and Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, Fulfilling the Promise: Building an Enduring Security Relationship between Ukraine and NATO, Preventive Defense Project publications, Vol. 1, No. 4, (1998)
Ashton B. Carter, with William J. Perry, and Hilary D. Driscoll, "Defining NATO''s Purpose," in Susan Eisenhower, ed., NATO at Fifty: Perspectives on the Future of the Atlantic Alliance (Washington, D.C.: The Center for Political and Strategic Studies, 1999)
Ashton B. Carter, with L. Celeste Johnson, "Beyond the Counterproliferation Initiative to a ''Revolution in Counterproliferation Affairs,''" National Security Studies Quarterly (forthcoming 1999)
Miriam Fendius Elman, "The Democratic Peace: What Happened to International Political Economy?" Review of International Political Economy, Vol. 5, No. 3 (Autumn 1998)
Richard A. Falkenrath, "Confronting Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Terrorism," Survival, Vol. 40, No. 3 (Autumn 1998). The ensuing debate over this article continued in "WMD Terrorism: An Exchange," Survival, Vol. 4, No. 4 (Winter 1998/99)
Richard A. Falkenrath, "Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Terrorism," article submitted for the upcoming publication of the New Faces Conference on "Chemical and Biological Terrorism," sponsored by the Research Institute of the German Society for Foreign Affairs held on October 13, 1998.
Elizabeth Kier, "Discrimination and Military Cohesion: An Organizational Perspective," in Mary Katzenstein and Judith Reppy, eds., Beyond Zero Tolerance: Discrimination in Military Culture (Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield, Md.: 1999).
Elizabeth Kier, "Homosexuals in the U.S. Military: Open Integration and Combat Effectiveness," International Security, Vol. 23, No. 2 (Fall 1998).
Elizabeth Kier, "Rights and Fights: Sexual Orientation and Military Effectiveness," International Security, Vol. 24, No. 1 (Summer 1999)
Sergei Konoplyov, coauthor, Monitoring of Foreign and Security Policy of Ukraine, quarterly journal published by Center for Peace, Conversion and Foreign Policy, Kiev, Ukraine.
Sean M. Lynn-Jones, "Preface," in Michael E. Brown, Owen R. Coté, Jr., Sean M. Lynn-Jones, and Steven E. Miller, eds., Theories of War and Peace (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1998)
Sean M. Lynn-Jones, "Realism and America''s Rise: A Review Essay [of Fareed Zakaria, From Wealth to Power: The Unusual Origins of America''s World Role]," International Security, Vol. 23, No. 2 (Fall 1998)
Sean M. Lynn-Jones, "Realism and Security Studies," in Craig A. Snyder, ed., Contemporary Security Studies (London: Macmillan, forthcoming 1999)
Ariel Merari, "Attacks on Civil Aviation: Trends and Lessons" Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol. 10, No. 3 (1998), special issue for the tenth anniversary of the midair bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.
Ariel Merari, "Terrorism as a Strategy of Struggle: Past and Future," Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol. 11, No. 4 (1999), special issue to be published for the turn of the century.
Steven E. Miller, "The Debate on Nuclear Abolition," paper published in the conference report for "Nuclear Disarmament, Safe Disposal of Nuclear Materials, or New Weapons Developments: Where Are the National Laboratories Going," Landau Network-Centro Volta, Villa Elba, Como, Italy, July 1998
Steven E. Miller, "Nuclear Weapons: The Abolitionist Upsurge," in International Institute of Strategic Studies, Strategic Survey, 1998-1999 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998)
Steven E. Miller and Ryukichi Imai, "U.S.-Japan Joint Workshop to Avoid Nuclear Anarchy," Asia-Pacific Review, Vol. 5, No. 2 (1998), pp. 145-164
Samantha Power, "Global News Stand: International Affairs," Foreign Policy, Fall 1999.
Samantha Power, "Kosovo Dispatch: Breathing Room," The New Republic, August 9, 1999.
Samantha Power, "The Real Meaning of Genocide," Boston Globe, September 14, 1998
Samantha Power, "To Suffer by Comparison," Daedalus, Vol. 128, No.2 (Spring 1999)
Samantha Power, "The United States and Genocide Prevention: No Justice without Risk," Brown Journal of World Affairs, Vol. VI, No. 1 (Winter/Spring 1999)
Samantha Power, "Who Knew: Why Everyone Guessed Wrong about Kosovo," New Republic, May 3, 1999.
Taylor Seybolt, review of David Callahan, Unwinnable Wars, in International History Review, Vol. 21, No. 1 (March 1999)
Jessica Eve Stern, "The Prospects for Domestic Bioterror," Emerging Infectious Diseases,Vol. 5, No. 4 (July-August 1999)
Jessica Eve Stern, "Apocalypse Never, Poison Possible," Survival, Vol. 40, No. 4 (Winter 1999)
Walter C. Clemens, Dynamics of International Relations: Conflict and Mutual Gain in an Era of Global Interdependence (Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1998)
Charles G. Cogan, Alliés éternels, amis ombrageux: les Etats-Unis et la France depuis 1940 (Brussels: Editions Bruylant, 1999)
Owen R. Coté, Jr., "Precision Strike from the Sea: New Missions for a New Navy," MIT Security Studies Program conference report, July 1998
Randall Forsberg, IDDS Almanac of World Arms Holdings, Production, and Trade (released on CD, Fall 1999)
Astrid Tuminez, Russian Nationalism Since 1856: Fragmented Ideology and the Making of Foreign Policy (Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1999)
Stephen Van Evera, Causes of War: Power and the Roots of Conflict (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1999)
Walter C. Clemens, "An Alternative to NATO Expansion," reprinted in John T. Rourke, ed., Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in World Politics, 8th ed. (Guilford, Conn.: Dushkin/McGraw-Hill, 1998)
Walter C. Clemens, "The Baltic Reborn: Challenges of Transition," Democratizatsiya, Vol. 6, No. 4 (Fall 1998), pp. 710-733
Walter C. Clemens, "The Baltic Republics, Russia, and Energy: From Dependency to Interdependence?" SAIS Review, Vol. 19, No. 1 (Winter-Spring 1999), pp. 190-208
Walter C. Clemens, "China: Alternative Futures," Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Vol. 32, No. 1 (1999), pp. 1-21
Walter C. Clemens, "From AD 2000 to AD 2025: Six Alternative Futures," International Studies in Democratizatsiya, Vol. 6 No. 3, (Summer 1998), p. 608
Walter C. Clemens, review of Neil Hood et al., Transition in the Baltic States: Micro-Level Studies in Democratizatsiya, Vol. 6 No. 3, (Summer 1998), p. 608
Walter C. Clemens, review of Robert Latham, "The Liberal Moment," in Slavic Review Vol. 57, No. 3 (Fall 1998), pp. 631-632
Charles G. Cogan, "L''attitude des Etats-Unis à l''égard de la guerre d''Indochine," in L''Armée française et la guerre d''Indochine (1946-1954): adaptation ou inadaptation (Paris: Centre d''Etudes d''Histoire de la Défense, forthcoming 1999).
Charles G. Cogan, "The Security Crisis of the Late 1940s," in NATO: The First Fifty Years (New York: Macmillan, forthcoming 1999).
Charles G. Cogan, "Wye River, Long Fleuve: The CIA, the PLO, and the Peace Process," Mediterranean Quarterly, Vol. 10, No. 2 (Spring 1999).
Charles G. Cogan, review of Maurice Vaisse, La grandeur: politique étrangère du général de Gaulle," in French Politics and Society, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Winter 1999).
Owen R. Coté, Jr., "Innovation in the Submarine Force: Past and Present," Undersea Warfare, Vol. 1, No. ,2 (Winter 1998/99).
Owen R. Coté, Jr., "How to Spend Defense Dollars" op-ed in Washington Times, January 15, 1999, Page A19.
Helen Fein, "The Three P''s of Genocide Prevention …" in Neal Riemer, ed., The Prevention of Genocide: Mission Impossible? (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, forthcoming 1999).
Phillip Fellman, "Olympic Airways and the Problem of Subsidization in the Single European Market," International Studies Notes, Summer 1999, the official publication of the International Studies Association
Peter M. Haas, "Social Constructivism and the Evolution of Multilateral Environmental Governance," in Aseem Prakash and Jeffrey A. Hart, eds., Globalization and Governance (New York: Routledge, 1999).
Peter M. Haas and Robert Knecht, "The Global Environmental Management Regime," in Jack Archer, Project Director, A Study of the Emerging International Environmental Management System, prepared for the United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of International Affairs.
Robert E. Hunter, "Maximizing NATO," Foreign Affairs,Vol. 78, No. 3 (May/June 1999) in the special "NATO''s 50th anniversary" section.
Jack Ruina, "The Problem of Conversion in the U.S. Military Electronics Industry Book," in Judith Reppy, ed., Conversion of Military R&D (London: Macmillan Press, 1998).
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Graham T. Allison and Matthew Bunn (chair and vice-chair), Global Nuclear Materials Management Phase II: Report of Task Force I: Funding Nuclear Security: What More Could Be Done To Secure Nuclear Warheads and Fissile Materials with More Resources? (Washington, D.C.: Center for Strategic and International Studies, July 1999)
Lewis M. Branscomb, Fumio Kodama, and Richard Florida, eds., Industrializing Knowledge: University-Industry Links in Japan and the United States (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1999 forthcoming
Matthew Bunn, Neil J. Numark, and Tatsujiro Suzuki, "A Japanese-Russian Agreement to Establish a Nuclear Facility for MOX Fabrication and Spent Fuel Storage in the Russian Far East," BCSIA Discussion Paper 98-25, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, November 1998
John P. Holdren, "Getting to Zero: Is Pursuing a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World Too Difficult? Too Dangerous? Too Distracting?" BCSIA Discussion Paper 98-24 (Cambridge, Mass.: Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, April 1998)
John P. Holdren (chair), Powerful Partnerships: The Federal Role in International Cooperation on Energy Innovation (Washington, D.C.: President''s Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology, 1999)
John Holdren, Judith Reppy, Josephy Rotblat, and Vsevold Avduyevsky, eds., Conversion of Military R&D, (Basingtoke, U.K.: Macmillan, 1998), (pp. 11-33)
Allison Macfarlane, "Prospects for the Interim Storage of Spent Fuel at Yucca Mountain," BCSIA Discussion Paper (Cambridge, Mass.: Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, forthcoming, Summer 1999)
Kate O''Neill, "(Not) Getting to ''Go'': Recent Experience in International Cooperation over the Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel," BCSIA Discussion Paper 98-22 (Cambridge, Mass.: Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, October 1998)
Frederic M. Scherer, New Perspectives on Economic Growth and Technological Innovation (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1999)
Frederic M. Scherer and Bernard Saffran, eds., Price Theory and Its Applications (Hants, U.K.: Edward Elgar, 1998).
Stacy VanDeveer, "Thinking Outside the Box: Cooperative Security Programs, Capacity Building, and Radioactive Materials Management in the Former Soviet Union," BCSIA Discussion Paper (Cambridge, Mass.: Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, forthcoming, Summer 1999)
Samina Ahmed, "Dangerous Diplomacy," Newsline (July 1999)
Samina Ahmed, "Dangerous Games," Newsline (June 1999)
Samina Ahmed, "Pakistan''s Nuclear Weapons Program: Turning Points and Nuclear Choices," International Security, Vol. 23, No. 4 (Spring 1999)
Lewis M. Branscomb, "Managing Science-based Industrial Innovation," Unesco Courier (forthcoming, 1999)
Lewis M. Branscomb, "Le mariage de la science et de la technologie" Unesco Le Courrier (May 1999); pp. 21-22.
Lewis M. Branscomb, "Technology Diffusion: The U.S. Case," in Dalgon Lee, Eui-Jae Kim, and Lewis M. Branscomb, New Strategies for Utilization of Science and Technology Research Results for Industrial Development (Korean Science and Engineering Foundation, report 97-11, June 28, 1999)
Matthew Bunn, "Urgently Needed Next Steps to Control Warheads and Fissile Material," in Joseph Cirincione, ed., Repairing the Regime (New York: Routledge, forthcoming)
Matthew Bunn, Oleg Bukharin, Jill Cetina, Kenneth Luongo, and Frank von Hippel, "Retooling Russia''s Nuclear Cities," Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (September/October 1998)
Matthew Bunn and Kenneth N. Luongo, "A Nuclear Crisis in Russia," Boston Globe, December 29, 1998
Paul de Sa, "The Politics of Poverty," Letter to the Editor, New York Times, August 5, 1998
Paul de Sa, "Population, Carbon Emissions, and Global Warming: Comment," Population and Development Review, Vol. 24, No. 4 (December 1998); pp. 797-803
Paul de Sa, "Review: Mapping the Energy Future," Energy Policy (forthcoming in1999)
Paul de Sa, "When Free Trade Fails," Letter to the Editor, New Republic, August 3, 1998
Evan Feigenbaum, "Who''s Behind China''s High Technology ''Revolution?'' How Bomb Makers Remade Beijing''s Priorities, Policies, and Institutions," International Security, Vol. 24, No. 1 (Summer 1999)
David Hart, "Antitrust and Technological Innovation," Issues in Science and Technology (Winter 1998) pp. 75-82
David Hart, "Herbert Hoover''s Last Laugh: The Enduring Significance of the ''Associative State'' in the United States," Journal of Policy History, Vol. 10, No. 4 (Fall 1998); pp. 419-444
David Hart, "U.S. Technology Policy: New Tools for New Times," NIRA Review (Summer 1998); pp. 3-6.
David Hart, review of William E. Leuchtenburg, The FDR Years: On Roosevelt and His Legacy, Journal of Policy History Vol. 11 (1999); pp. 94-99
John P. Holdren, "Energy, Climate Change, and Federal Energy R&D," "Powerful Parnerships..." in Briefing Book for the Aspen Congressional Seminar on Environmental Policy (Washington, D.C.: Aspen Institute, November 1998), chap. 1
John P. Holdren, "The Energy-Environment-Development Challenge," in Proceedings of the U.S./India Symposium on Sustainable Development (Washington D.C.: National Research Council, October 1998)
John P. Holdren, "Getting to Zero: Is Pursuing a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World Too Difficult? Too Dangerous? Too Distracting?" in Maxwell Bruce and Tom Milne, eds., The Force of Reason: Essays Celebrating the 90th Birthday of Joseph Rotblat (Basingstoke, UK: Macmillan, forthcoming 1999)
John P. Holdren, interview by Neil L. Numark, in The Nuclear Top Ten, 1999: The Key Players Discuss Current Issues in U.S. Commercial Nuclear Policy (Washington, D.C.: Numark Associates, Inc., 1999)
John P. Holdren and Matthew Bunn, "Reducing the Threat of Nuclear Theft," in Joseph Rotblat and Frank Blackaby, eds., Nuclear Weapons: The Road to Zero (Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1998)
John P. Holdren and Judith Reppy, introductory chapter in Conversion of Military R&D (Basingstoke, UK: Macmillan, 1998)
John P. Holdren and Kirk R. Smith, "Energy and the Environment," in José Goldemberg, ed., World Energy Assessment (United Nations Environment Programme, New York, 1999 in press)
Sheila Jasanoff, "Coming of Age in Science and Technology Studies," Science Communication, Vol. 20, No. 1 (1998); pp. 91-98
Sheila Jasanoff, "Contingent Knowledge: Implications for Implementation and Compliance," in H. Jacobson and E. Brown Weiss, eds., Engaging Countries: Strengthening Compliance with International Environmental Accords (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1998)
Sheila Jasanoff, "Expert Games in Silicone Gel Breast Implant Litigation," in M. Freeman and H. Reece, eds., Science in Court (London: Dartmouth, 1998)
Sheila Jasanoff, "The Eye of Everyman: Witnessing DNA in the Simpson Trial," Social Studies of Science, Vol. 28, Nos. 5-6 (1998); pp. 713-740
Sheila Jasanoff, "The Songlines of Risk," in Maurie J. Cohen and Alan Holland, eds., Environmental Values, Vol. 8, No. 2 (1999); pp. 135-152
Sheila Jasanoff and M. Lynch, "Contested Identities: Science, Law and Forensic Practice," Social Studies of Science, Vol. 28, Nos. 5-6 (1998); pp. 675-686
M. Kandlikar and Ambuj D. Sagar, "Climate Change Research and Analysis in India: An Integrated Assessment of a South-North Divide," Global Environmental Change , Vol. 9, No. 2 (1999); pp. 119-138
Allison Macfarlane, "Immobilization of Excess Weapons Plutonium: Reasonable Alternatives to Vitrification," Science and Global Security, Vol. 7 (1998)
Allison Macfarlane, "Preventing a Big Bang: Excess Weapons Plutonium Immobilization," in Martin Kalinowski, ed., Global Elimination of Nuclear Weapons (Darmstadt: IANU.S., forthcoming)
Allison Macfarlane, "Standoff at Yucca Mountain: High-Level Nuclear Waste in the U.S.A.," in Jill Schneiderman, ed., Geology''s Gaze: Looking toward a Livable Future (New York: W. H. Freeman and Co., forthcoming)
Allison Macfarlane and Adam Bernstein, "Canning Plutonium: Cheaper and Faster," Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (May/June 1999)
A. Najam and Ambuj D. Sagar, "Avoiding a COP-out: Moving towards Systematic Decision-Making Under the Climate Convention," Climatic Change, Vol. 39, No. 4 (1998): iii-ix
Kate O''Neill, "International Nuclear Waste Transportation: Flashpoints, Lessons, and Controversies," Environment, Vol. 41, No. 4 (May 1999).
John S. Park, "The Agreed Framework: A Path towards Stability on the Korean Peninsula," Yisei (Fall/Winter 1998)
Ambuj D. Sagar, "Capacity Building and Climate Change," Policy Matters, Vol. 4 (1999): 17-20
Ambuj D. Sagar, "Wealth, Responsibility, and Equity: Exploring an Allocation Framework for Global GHG Emissions," forthcoming in Climate Change, 1999
Ambuj D. Sagar and T. Banuri, "In Fairness to Current Generations: Lost Voices in the Climate Debate," forthcoming in Energy Policy, 1999
Ambuj D. Sagar and A. Najam, "Shaping Human Development: Which Way Next?" in Third World Quarterly (Summer 1999)
Frederic M. Scherer, "Introduction," in Moise Naim and Joseph Tulchin, eds., Competition Policy and Economic Reforms in Latin America (Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center, forthcoming 1999)
Frederic M. Scherer, "The Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Industries," in Joseph Newhouse, ed., Handbook of Health Economics (Amsterdam: NorthHolland, forthcoming 1999).
Frederic M. Scherer, "Retail Distribution Channel Barriers to International Trade," Antitrust Law Journal, Vol. 67 (1999); pp. 77-112
Frederic M. Scherer, "The Size Distribution of Profits from Innovation," Annales d''economie et de statistique, No. 49/50 (1998); pp. 496-516
Frederic M. Scherer and Dietmar Harhoff, "Technology Policy for a World of Skew-Distributed Incomes," Research Policy (forthcoming in 1999)
Frederic M. Scherer, Dietmar Harhoff, and Joerg Kukies, "Uncertainty and the Size Distribution of Rewards from Technological Innovation," Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 9 (forthcoming 1999)
Frederic M. Scherer, Dietmar Harhoff, and Katrin Vopel, "Citations, Family Size, Opposition, and the Value of Patent Rights: Evidence from Germany" (Working Paper, Center for European Economic Research, Mannheim, Germany, 1998).Frederic M. Scherer and Joerg Kukies, "Zeit fur wirtschafts - und finanzpragmaticschen Transfer: Das Innovationsverhalten deutscher und amerikanischer Unternehmen," in Sebastian Lorenz and Marcel Machill, eds., Transatlanticishcer Transfer von Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur (Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1998); pp. 233-245
Stacy VanDeveer and Geoffrey D. Dalbelko, "Redefining Security around the Baltic: Environmental Issues in Regional Context," Global Governance, Vol. 5, No. 2 (1999).
Jennifer Weeks, "Back to the Future at DOE," Global Beat Syndicate, June 30, 1999
Jennifer Weeks, "The Nuclear Rivalry in South Asia," in Encarta 98 Encyclopedia (Seattle, Wash.: Microsoft Corporation, July 1998)
Dorothy Shore Zinberg, "China''s Gift to U.S. Colleges," Boston Globe, June 14, 1999
Dorothy Shore Zinberg, "A World View: Two Tarnished Institutions," The (London) Times Educational Supplement, April 30, 1999
Dorothy Shore Zinberg, "World View: The Ten Commandments," The (London) Times Educational Supplement, March 12, 1999
Dorothy Shore Zinberg, "World View: Workers Flower in Desert," The (London) Times Educational Supplement, February 5, 1999
Dorothy Shore Zinberg, "World View: World Worth Fighting For," The (London) Times Educational Supplement, December 25, 1998
Dorothy Shore Zinberg, "World View: Bad News from Cyberspace?" The (London) Times Educational Supplement, October 30, 1998.
Dorothy Shore Zinberg, "World View: No Party for the People," The (London) Times Educational Supplement, September 25, 1998
height=''0.0528in'' width=''100%'' use3dshading=''false'' color=''gray'' colorstyle=''solid''/STRENGTHENING DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS PROJECT
Cameron Half, Fiona Hill, Pamela Jewett, "Financial and Direct Investment Opportunities in Russia: Meeting the Challenge," Final Report from the 1999 U.S.-Russian Investment Symposium (April 1999)
Boris Brevnov, with Cameron Half, "From Ministry to Firm: Reforming Unified Energy Systems" (September 1999)
Lynnley Browning, "Neither State Nor Market: Cozy Reciprocity in Russian Capitalism" (October 1998)Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, "Russia and the Outside World: A New Agenda for the 21st Century" (September 1998)
Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, "Drug Addiction in Russia: A Threat to the Nation?" (September 1998)Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, "Russia: Eliminating Crime" (September 1998)Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, "Russia''s Strategy in the XXI Century (Strategy-3)" (October 1998)
Olga Jourek, "Ethno-Political Conflicts in Post-Communist Societies: Prospects for Resolution and Prevention in the
Context of International Law" (September 1999)Sergei Kortunov, "Russia''s National Identity in a New Era" (October 1998)
Vasily Krivokhizha, "Russia''s National Security Policy: Conceptions And Realities" (October 1998)
Graham Allison, "Could the U.S. and Russia Wind up at War," Boston Globe, April 25, 1999
Henry Hale "Breaking Up is Hard to Do: Why Russia Won''t Collapse Like the U.S.SR," PONARS Policy Brief no. 54, November 1998Henry Hale, "Integration and Independence in the Caspian Basin," SAIS Review, Winter-Spring 1999
Henry Hale, "The Parade of Sovereignties: Testing Theories of Secession in the Soviet Setting," British Journal of Political Science, forthcoming, v.29, 1999
Henry Hale "The Party''s On: The Impact of Political Organizations in Russia''s Duma Elections 1993-95," PONARS Working Paper series, July 1999Henry Hale "The Regionalization of Autocracy in Russia," PONARS Policy Brief no. 42, November 1998
Henry Hale, "The Rise of Russian Anti-Imperialism," Orbis, Winter 1999
Henry Hale, "The Strange Death of the Soviet Union: Nationalism, Democratization and Leadership," PONARS Working Paper series, April 1999
Hill, Fiona, "La Crise à Moscou Renforce le Pouvoir des Régions," interview with Anne Nivat on Russia''s economic and political crisis, La Croix (Paris), September 9, 1998.
Hill, Fiona, "La Tourment Russe Vue Des États-Unis," interview with Anne Nivat on Russia''s economic and political crisis, Ouest France, September 7, 1998.
Table of Contents:
Environment and Natural Resources ProgramInternational Security Program Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program Strengthening Democratic Institutions Project BCSIA Events BCSIA Publications Associates Biographies
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