In Collaborate or Perish!, former NYC Police Commissioner and LAPD Chief William Bratton joins forces with senior Harvard researcher Zachary Tumin to lay out a field-tested, streetwise playbook for collaborating across the boundaries of our networked world. Where everyone is connected, Bratton and Tumin argue, collaboration is the game-changer. Technology helps — but people make it happen. Companies, organizations and governments that can put it all together and collaborate across those boundaries, engaging citizens and voters, customers and suppliers, or leaders and everyday folks will thrive in today's connected world; those that can't, the authors argue, are doomed to perish. In story after story Bratton and Tumin provide inspiration and example — a playbook for doing together what no one can achieve alone — collaborating across the boundaries of a networked world.
Bratton, William and Zachary Tumin. “Collaborate or Perish! Reaching Across Boundaries in a Networked World.” Random House/Crown, January 2012