Pundits and politicians opposed to a nuclear agreement with Iran have accused US negotiators of trying to reach a "deal for the sake of having a deal"—the implication being that the White House and the US negotiating team, led by Secretary of State John Kerry, at this point simply want to be seen as having achieved something. But as Iran and six world powers continue meetings in Lausanne, Switzerland to strike a deal that would limit Iranian nuclear activities in exchange for sanctions relief, it's beginning to look like many of those critics simply oppose a deal for the sake of opposing a deal. They accuse the White House of pursuing a "bad deal," but have little concrete to say about what they find problematic with the agreement under discussion....
Continue reading: http://thebulletin.org/don%E2%80%99t-let-fears-%E2%80%9Cbad%E2%80%9D-nuclear-deal-iran-kill-good-one8100
Tabatabai, Ariane. “Don't Let Fears of a 'Bad' Nuclear Deal with Iran Kill a Good One.” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, March 20, 2015