from Georgetown Journal of International Affairs

Introduction: International Engagement on Cyber V: Securing Critical Infrastructure


In this issue of International Engagement on Cyber, authors discuss developments, challenges, and improvements to critical infrastructure cybersecurity from legal, policy, and technical perspectives. Cyber V also evaluates cybersecurity in Brazil, suggests improved government and private sector cybersecurity practices, and theorizes military actions in the information age.

The current issue of the Georgetown Journal of International Affairs' Forum — Securing Critical Infrastructure explores how best to secure critical infrastructure. "Critical infrastructure" is not a novel term; governments have been using it for the past two decades to describe sectors and services such as electricity generation, gas and oil production, telecommunications, water supply, transportation, and financial services that are deemed essential for the functioning of modern society and the economy....

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Recommended citation

Hathaway, Melissa. “Introduction: International Engagement on Cyber V: Securing Critical Infrastructure.” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, October 2015