Department of Energy (DOE) nonproliferation programs are critical to U.S. national security, and have played central roles in initiatives ranging from securing high-risk nuclear weapons and materials around the globe to constraining Iran’s nuclear program. But nuclear proliferation and terrorism threats are constantly evolving, requiring new approaches to address them. This paper identifies opportunities for the Trump administration to advance six critical nuclear nonproliferation objectives:
1. Preventing and responding to nuclear and radiological terrorism;
2. Limiting the spread of nuclear weapons and the technologies needed to make them to additional states;
3. Verifying agreements and detecting and monitoring nuclear programs;
4. Maintaining nuclear weapons for nuclear deterrence (including extended deterrence important for nonproliferation) while easing international concerns;
5. Reducing excess stockpiles; and
6. Developing the tools and building the foundations of future nonproliferation and arms reduction successes.
The paper also offers recommendations on cross-cutting issues, including leadership; coordination; staff development; and relations between DOE headquarters, field offices, and laboratories and facilities.
Bunn, Matthew and Nickolas Roth, “Preventing Nuclear Catastrophe: Strengthening DOE Nuclear Nonproliferation Programs,” Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, July 2017.