from Europe'sWorld

Reshaping Europe's Africa Policies

Diplomatic relations between the European Union and Africa have long been shaped by post-colonial continuity: Africa exports raw materials, and Europe sends back manufactured goods. Another key aspect is Europe's role as a source of development assistance. A number of momentous events have led to a review of this relationship. One is the rise of China as Africa's leading trade partner. But no development has shaken the foundations of Africa-Europe cooperation as much as the seismic outcome of the UK referendum on EU membership.

Much of the initial analysis of Brexit's impact justifiably focused on doomsday scenarios invoking "disaster" or "calamity", and the uncertainty cannot be downplayed. The framing of the concerns, though, reflects a traditional thinking that ignores both Africa's economic vision and British aspirations in the post-Brexit world.

The EU has long sought to continue its traditional trade relationships by signing Economic Partnership Agreements it says are "tailor-made" for Africa's regional realities. These EPAs are an attempt to address concerns regarding non-reciprocal EU trade deals deemed inconsistent with World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules....

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Recommended citation

Juma, Calestous. “Reshaping Europe's Africa Policies.” Europe'sWorld, Autumn 2016

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