from The Washington Post

Your WiFi-connected Thermostat Can Take Down the Whole Internet. We Need New Regulations.

The government has to get involved in the “Internet of Things."

Late last month, popular websites like Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit and PayPal went down for most of a day. The distributed denial-of-service attack that caused the outages, and the vulnerabilities that made the attack possible, was as much a failure of market and policy as it was of technology. If we want to secure our increasingly computerized and connected world, we need more government involvement in the security of the "Internet of Things" and increased regulation of what are now critical and life-threatening technologies. It's no longer a question of if, it’s a question of when.

First, the facts. Those websites went down because their domain name provider — a  company named Dyn — was forced offline. We don't know who perpetrated that attack, but it could have easily been a lone hacker....

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Recommended citation

Schneier, Bruce. “Your WiFi-connected Thermostat Can Take Down the Whole Internet. We Need New Regulations..” The Washington Post, November 3, 2016