4. Seminars
This year the Center sponsored three series of seminars: the Harvard Arms Control Seminar, the CSIA Visitors'' Seminar, and the CSIA Research Seminar.
Harvard Arms Control Seminar
Twelve Arms Control Seminars were conducted before audiences ranging in size from 50 to 200. Following each seminar, a smaller group of changing composition met for dinner and discussion with the invited speaker.
Speakers and their topics were as follows:
October 4
Herbert York
Director, Program in Science, Technology and Public Affairs, University of California; Consultant to Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, "Multiple Aim Point Systems and Arms Control"
November 1
Alfred Lieberman
Chief, Office of Operations Analysis, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency "Reassessment of Civil Defense"
November 15
Benjamin Huberman
Assistant Director for National Security, International and Space Affairs, Office of Science and Technology Policy,
Executive Office of the President "Science, Technology and U.S.-China Relations"
November 29
Winston Lord
President, Council on Foreign Relations "The Promise and Problems of U.S.-China Relations"
December 13
Marshall Shulman
Special Advisor to the Secretary of State "Review of Current U.S.-Soviet Relations"
February 7
John Newhouse
Assistant Director for International Security Affairs, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency "Interaction of SALT and European Security"
February 21
Richard Garwin
Professor of Public Policy, Kennedy School of Government; CSIA Fellow "Nuclear Weapons in their Proper Place"
March 7
Fred C. Ikle
Former Director of U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency "Reflections on SALT and Other Arms Control
March 21
George Seignious
Director of U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency "SALT III''
April 4
Philip Morrison
Institute Professor of Physics, M.I.T. "How Much Is Enough?"
April 18
William Perry
Undersecretary for Research and Engineering. Department of Defense "Maintaining Strategic Deterrence in the 1980s"
May 9
Hermann Bondi
Chief Scientist, Department of Energy, U.K. "Energy and International Security"
Visitors Seminars
Twenty-four Visitors Seminars were held during the year. Normally participation was limited to 20-30 individuals, thus providing a forum suitable for in-depth discussions with the visiting experts.
Speakers and their topics appear below:
September 18
Shirley Williams
Secretary of State for Education and Science, U.K. "United States-European Relations"
October 11
Amory Lovins
Author and Consultant Physicist on Energy "Soft Energy Paths"
October 16
Ronald Grierson
Director of General Electric, U.K. "Random Reflections on the Ups and Downs of the European Nuclear Industry"
October 23
Guido Goldman
Executive Director, Center for European Studies and Senior Lecturer on Government, Harvard University "Prospects for Camp David"
October 30
Barry Blechman
Assistant Director, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency "Restraining Arms Sales: Prospects and Opportunities"
November 8
Yair Evron
Visiting Professor from Tel Aviv University at Cornell University, Department of Government "The Camp David Agreements— Political, Strategic, and Arms Control Implications"
November 20
Richard Gardner
U.S. Ambassador to Italy "An Analysis of Current Problems in Atlantic Relations"
December 6
Paul Warnke
Former Director of U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency "Informal Discussion"
December 13
Crispin Tickell
Chef-de-Cabinet to Roy Jenkins, European Economic Community "The European Monetary System"
December 18
Ian Smart
Former Director, Chatham House, U.K. "Political Issues in Making Multinational Arrangements Relating to the Nuclear Fuel Cycle"
December 20
Rockefeller Foundation
"Irani Perspective on Energy Issues"
February 9
Vince Taylor
Pan Heuristics "Energy: The Easy Path"
February 12
Anne Cahn
Chief of Social Impact Staff, Weapons Evaluation and Control Bureau, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
"Informal Discussion".
February 12
Ezra Vogel
Professor of Sociology; Chairman, Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University "Why Japan is Number One"
March 7
Dorothy Nelkin
Program on Science, Technology and Society, Cornell University, Michael Pollak Research Sociologist, Cornell University "Political Parties and the Nuclear Debate in France and Germany"
March 12
Samuel P. Huntington
Professor of Government and Director of CFIA, Harvard University, "U.S. Strategy"
April 9
Jean-Louis Gergorin
Chief of Policy Planning, Quai d''Orsay "A French View on Arms Control"
April 11
Joseph Kruzel
Political Science Department, Duke University "The U.S., Japan and the Asian Arms Trade"
April 11
Conrad Ahlors
Journalist and SPD Member of Parliament, F.R.G. "Military Strategy and Security Problems" (co-hosted with Center for European Studies)
April 25
Nissan Oren
Hebrew University, Jerusalem "A Conceptual View of the Egyptian-Israeli Settlement"
April 30
David Holloway
University of Edinburgh, Scotland "Origins of the Soviet Strategic Weapons Program"
May 7
Thomas Pickering
Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of oceans and International Environmental and Scientific
Affairs, "The Growing Role of Science and Technology in Foreign Policy"
May 16
Marvin M. Miller
Research Technical Staff, Energy Lab, M.I.T. "Heavy Water and Non-Proliferation"
May 18
Paul Bennett
Arms Control Specialist,
Union of Concerned Scientists
"Strategic Surveillance: How America Checks
Soviet Compliance with SALT"
May 23
Gregory Treverton
Assistant Director, International Institute for Strategic Studies, London "Security Issues and U.S.-European Relations"
Research Seminar
The Research Seminars provided the opportunity for members of the Center''s research staff to report on their work in progress and to obtain their colleagues'' reactions. To facilitate the free flow of ideas, these seminars were informal and off-the-record, and attendance was limited to members of the staff, members of the Advisory Committee, the Faculty of the Kennedy School of Government, and other individuals invited by the speaker.
The schedule of speakers and their topics appears below:
October 18
Dorothy S. Zinberg "Blue Trout, Black Truffles, and Nuclear Waste— A European Trip Report"
October 25
Stephen Meyer "Nuclear Proliferation: Some Empirical Findings"
November 1
Jane M. 0. Sharp "Conference Report: Pugwash, IISS, and Random Thoughts from the Balkans"
November 6
Michael Nacht
"Observations on Japanese Security"
November 15
William Colglazier
"The Congressional Debate on the Fast Breeder"
November 29
Ron Ronen "The Dynamics of the Middle East Conflict"
February 5
Joseph Nye "Reflections on Washington"
February 21
Thane Gustafson "What''s New in Soviet Management of Technological Innovation (including Some
Thoughts on East-West Technology Transfer and Soviet Military Procurement)
February 28
Peter Zimmerman
"The F-16 and the Congress"
April 2
Michael Mandelbaum
"The Bomb, the Unconscious and Eternity"
April 14
David Deese
"Energy and Security: The Issues and the Myths"
Among the individuals who visited CSIA during 1978-79 and were engaged in informal discussions with CSIA members and others were: Ben Read, Voice of America; Gene Rochlin, Institute of Governmental Studies at the University of California at Berkeley; Mischa Scorer, SCIENCE Magazine, England; Lord Solly Zuckerman, England; F. Kemna, DIE ZEIT, Germany; Sergey Sementsov, Moscow State University, USSR; Felice Gaer, Ford Foundation; Congressman Les Aspin; Jorge Sabatov, Former Member of Argentina''s Atlantic Energy Commission; Nigel Calder, BBC, London; Professor Bruce Smith, Columbia University; Andreas Kohlschiitter, DIE ZEIT, Germany; Dr. Karl Kaiser, Bonn, Germany; Thomas Watson, IBM; MajorGeneral Gerald Cooke, Commander, AFIT; Stan Sienkiewicz, Department of Defense; Enid Schoettle, Frank Sutton, Ford Foundation; Pierre Lellouche, Institut Franqais des Relations Internationales, Paris; Colonel de Noray and Captain d''Harcourt, French National Defense Ministry, Paris.
Table of Contents:
OverviewOrganization and Personnel
Research and PublicationsSeminars Other Program Activities Related Professional Activities Former Members of the Research Staff
The full text of this publication is available in the link below.