Reports & Papers

BCSIA Annual Report, 1979-1980: Related Professional Activities


Table of Contents:

OverviewOrganization and Personnel

Research and PublicationsSeminars Other Program Activities Related Professional Activities Former Members of the Research Staff


6. Related Professional Activities


Members of the research staff were involved in a broad spectrum of professional activities related to their work at the Center. Listed below are a number of I courses taught, lectures given, visits made, consulting done, and conferences attended by CSIA personnel.

Albert Carnesale taught "Technology, War, and Peace" (SS-159/S-222) with Paul Doty, "International Affairs and Security" (R-013 hf) with Douglas Johnston, guest lectured in several courses, and participated in the Energy and Security Seminar. He was advisor to nine KSG students and participated in three Ph.D. oral examinations. In addition to serving as Associate Director of CSIA and co-editor for the Center''s journal, International Security, he served on ten KSG faculty committees, four of which he chaired. He headed the CSIA Working Group on Nuclear Forces and Doctrine and also served as chairman of Senator Paul Tsongas'' advisory committee on SALT. He talked to the Associated Harvard Alumni on "Nuclear Energy and Nonproliferation," spoke to Harvard Summer School students on "International Issues in Nuclear Energy," discussed nuclear power issues with the Harvard Corporation, spoke in the KSG Forum on "War and Militarism: Arms Buildup or Arms Reduction," lectured at the Naval War College on "Nuclear Weapons and the Strategy of Deterrence," and gave a CSIA seminar on INFCE. He continued to consult for the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of Energy r and the U.S. Department of State. As head of the U.S. delegation to the Technical Coordinating Committee of the International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation the participated in INFCE''s quarterly meetings in Vienna, Austria. He served also as a member of the Committee on Radioactive Waste Management of the National Research Council. Among the conferences he attended were: Aspen Arms Control Workshop; CSIA/BMD Conference, where he presented a paper entitled "Ballistic Missile Defense: Updating the Debate;" Aspen/CSIA Nuclear Waste Siting, where he chaired panels on "Perspectives of Nuclear Industry and the Electric Utilities" and "What is the Next Step Towards Resolving the Nuclear Waste Problems;" Council on Foreign Relations discussion group on "Nuclear Nonproliferation;" Institute of Politics Study Group on the Future of Nuclear Power, where he was a guest speaker on "The Carter Nonproliferation Policy and INFCE;" Fletcher School Conference on "Projection of Power: Perspectives, Perceptions, and Logistics" where he chaired a panel on "Implications for U.S. Policy in the 1980s;" Ford Foundation Arms Control Centers Conference (at CSIA); KSG Energy and Security Conference, where he was a discussant in a panel entitled "Energy As a Security Problem;" and the Harvard Arms Control Symposium, cosponsored by the World University of the World Academy of Art and Science and Cornell University Program for Peace Studies, where he chaired a panel on "Nuclear Arms Control: The Next Decade."

E. William Colglazier taught a non-credit study group of the Institute of Politics on "The Future of Nuclear Power," was a member of the CSIA Working Group on Energy and National Security, organized the conference on "Governance and Radioactive Waste Management" and a discussion session on "Soviet-American Scientific Cooperation after Afghanistan," consulted for the State Planning Council on Radioactive Waste Management, and served for the American Physical Society as Secretary-Treasurer of the Forum on Physics and Society and as a member and assistant in several workshops on energy and other issues at the Aspen Institute (Colo.) and attended the following conferences: Aspen Institute Conference on Radioactive Waste Management (Harvard), Resolve Conferences on Radioactive Waste Management (Palo Alto, Calif. and Wye, Md.), Aspen Institute Conference on Basic Human Needs (Nairobi, Kenya), Aspen Institute Conference on Energy and Security (Wye, Md.), Harvard Workshop on Energy, and Security (Harvard), and the Keystone Conference on Radioactive Waste Management (Keystone, Colo.).

Steven David devoted most of his time to writing his doctoral dissertation. He served as assistant head tutor in the Harvard University Department of Government, was head teaching fellow for "Technology, War, and Peace" (SS-159/S-222) during the fall semester, and was course assistant for "Topics in Security" (S-220) during the spring term. He presented research seminars at CSIA and CFIA on military incentives for Third World countries to realign from one superpower to another, and presented a paper entitled "Regional Security and Conflict Management" at the IISS-sponsored Bellagio Conference on July 7-11.

David Deese acted as principal investigator for the Energy and Security Study, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. He managed four research projects: LDC energy problems (funded by the Rockefeller Foundation); comparative decision making in spent fuel and radioactive waste management (funded by the Department of Energy); foreign policies and transnational effects of spent fuel and radioactive waste management funded by the Office of Technology Assessment/U.S. Congress); and the political and institutional implications of sub-seabed disposal of radioactive waste (funded by the Department of Energy). With Dorothy Zinberg he co-developed and taught a new course at KSG: "Energy Policy, Social Response, and Publics Management." He also presented various lectures and seminars, not only CSIA, but elsewhere in the United States, Japan, and Western Europe. He attended the following conferences: four sessions of the year-long U.S.-Japan study "Future U.S.-Japanese Nuclear Energy Relations;" a Rockefeller Foundation funded international three-day session on foreign policy and international implications of spent fuel and radioactive waste management (which he organized and chaired), held at the Keystone Center for Continuing Education in Keystone, Colo.; the annual convention of the International Studies Association (where he chaired a panel and presented a paper); a three-day session on LDC energy problems at Stanford University (where he presented a paper); and an Aspen Institute session on energy and U.S. security.

Paul Doty taught "Technology, War, and Peace" (SS-159/S-222) with Albert Carnesale during the fall semester. He served as a member of the President''s General Advisory Committee on Arms Control, the Executive Committee of the Center for International Affairs, the Executive Committee of the Dartmouth Conferences, the American Academy Committee on Pugwash Conferences, the Council of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, the Board of Trustees of MITRE Corporation, and the Board of Directors of the Aspen Institute Program in Science, Technology, and Humanism. He was a Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In addition to various informal presentations at the Aspen Institute, he gave a presentation at the Brookings Institution Science Policy Conference in Williamsburg, Va., and a presentation entitled "SALT in the Balance" at Old Colony Harvard Club meeting in Hingham, Mass. He participated in the Civilian/Military Institute Foreign Policy and Defense Symposium in Denver, Colo.; a debate at CFIA with Richard Pipes; a discussion on Channel 2''s 10 o''clock news pertaining to SALT; and another discussion on Channel 5''s "Good Day" show, also pertaining to SALT. In addition, he attended the following meetings: Aspen Institute conferences during the summer of 1979; Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs (Mexico City); the IISS Annual Conference (Villars, Switzerland); "Five Year Outlook" Review Panel Meeting, National Science Foundation (Washington, D.C.); Council on Foreign Relations Nonproliferation Meeting (NYC); First and Second Pugwash Workshops (Geneva, Switzerland); Council on Foreign Relations American Foreign Policy After Afghanistan and Iran Meeting (NYC); Aspen Energy Committee Round Table on "Coping with U.S. Petroleum Supply Interruptions" (Wye, Md.); Dartmouth Consultative Session (Bellagio, Italy); Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Workshop (Bonn, Germany); and Aspen-Berlin Workshop (Berlin, Germany).

Derek Leebaert continued to serve as managing editor for International Security and as a Dudley House Associate. He presented two seminars at the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst; served as defense advisor to Stephen Winchell & Associates (Washington, D.C.); was development consultant for Save the Children Federation (NYC); and was a research associate at the RAND Corporation during the fall. He attended the Future of Arms Transfers Conference (Ditchley Park, England); The National Year of the Indian Child Conference (Phoenix, Ariz.); and the Fletcher School Power Projection Conference (Cambridge, Mass.) He was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations "Military Factors in African Politics" study group, and a participant in the Core European Security seminar series at the Smithsonian''s Woodrow Wilson Center.

Peter Malone devoted most of his efforts towards completing his doctoral dissertation, which is concerned with the political and military implications of British and French national nuclear force modernization for Europe and the Alliance. He presented a research seminar at CSIA and attended the Fletcher School Power Projection Conference and the Ford Centers Conference on International Security and Arms Control.

Michael Mandelbaum, on leave from the Department of Government, had no teaching or administrative duties this year. He gave lectures and seminars at Wellesley College, Columbia University and Harvard, and was a guest on the WITS "New England Forum." He attended the Harvard Center for European Studies Conference on the Fall of France, 1940, and the CSIA conferences on energy and arms control. He served on the editorial board of the Political Science Quarterly was a member of CFR and was a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations term Membership Selection Committee. He was also a Fellow at the Lehrmann Institute, NYC.

Linda Miller continued as full-time professor at Wellesley College, teaching five courses on world politics, American foreign policy, political leadership and negotiation and bargaining. She lectured on "The International Relations of Energy" to the Miami Symposium on Energy and Human Values; on "American-Soviet Relations" at the Wellesley College Symposium on The Soviet Search for Security; in the KSG course "Energy and Western Europe" (S-107); and at the CSIA Energy and Security Working Group, of which she was a member. At the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, she served as a panel chairman of a session on "Commodity Power" and as a discussant in a session on "The European Community." She also attended a conference on Marine Regionalism. She joined the editorial board of the Northeast Political Science Association journal POLITY, and served as Senior Fellow and Guest Investigator in the Marine Policy Program of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.

Steven Miller continued as teaching assistant for "Technology, War, and Peace" (SS-159/S-222) during the fall. He lectured on "Conventional Arms Transfers: Trends and Implications" at Tufts University, and attended the following conferences: Section on Military Studies (International Studies Association, Pittsburgh, Pa.); BED Conference (CSIA, KSG, Harvard); Conference on Power Projection (Annual Fletcher School Security Studies Conference, Cambridge); and the Aspen Institute Conference on Western Security Policy After Afghanistan (Berlin). In addition, he presented several papers including "Arms Control and Surprise Attack: Into the 1980s" (ISA Conference, Los Angeles), "SALT and ICBM Vulnerability" (Ford Foundation Conference on the Future of Arms Control, Harvard), and "Third World Instability and U.S. Foreign Policy" (Conference on Arms Control and International Security, Harvard).

Michael Nacht taught "Topics in International Security" (S-220) and "Public Management" (P-160) with Mark Moore and Robert Porter in the spring of 1980; and in the fall he taught "Introduction to International Relations" and "Seminar on Topics in American Foreign Policy" as Harvard Extension courses. He consulted for the Ford Foundation (Office of European and International Affairs), the German Marshall Fund, the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, and the U.S. International Communication Agency. He continued as Assistant Director for CSIA and as co-editor of the Center''s journal, International Security. He led the CSIA Working Group on Defense and Development, was a member of Senator Paul Tsongas'' SALT Advisory Board, was Vice Chairman of the KSG Second-Year Committee and a member of several other KSG committees, a member of the University of Pittsburgh Center for Arms Control and International Security Studies Board of Visitors, and of the Institute for the Study of World Politics Fellowship Selection Committee. He lectured on Strategic Studies at the U.S. Army Institute for Advanced Russian and East European Studies in Garmisch, West Germany; on the Middle East at the KSG National Security Managers Executive Program; on Nuclear Sabotage and Terrorism at the Conference on Nuclear Emergencies sponsored by the Harvard School of Public Health in St. Paul, Minn.; on Nuclear Sabotage and Terrorism for a Short Course on Planning for Nuclear Emergencies at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston; and on U.S. Strategic Interests and South Africa at the Harvard Faculty Club. He delivered a paper on "The Role of Arms Control in Defense Planning: Integration, Subordination or Obliteration?," National Defense University, Washington, D.C., and debated Professor Robert Pfaltzgraff (of the Fletcher School) on the SALT II Treaty at the University of Alabama. In addition, he attended the following conferences: IISS 21st Annual Conference on The Future of Strategic Deterrence (Villars, Switzerland), U.S. Arms Control Objectives and the Implications for Ballistic Missile Defense (KSG), Next Steps After INFCE (Georgetown Center for Strategic & International Studies), Security in the Western Pacific (Taipei, Taiwan), American Foreign Policy in the 1980s (for Daedalus, Carnegie Conference Center, Washington), U.S.-Japanese Security Issues (Council on Foreign Relations, New York), The President and the International Environment (University of Virginia, Charlottesville), and with Steven Miller and Stephen Meyer delivered an invited paper on "Everything You Ever Wanted to Ask About Patterns of Political Instability in Developing Countries and Their Implications for American Foreign Policy But Were Afraid to Know," at a Conference on Arms Control jointly sponsored by CSIA and the World University, held at Harvard University.

Athanassios Platias, as special Ford Foundation student for Southern Europe, attended several courses at the KSG. He gave a CSIA seminar on "Problems in the Southeastern Sector of NATO" and attended the following conferences: Conference of the Ford Foundation Centers in International Security and Arms Control (at CSIA), Foreign Policy from a World Order Perspective, by the Princeton University Center of International Studies; and Arms Control and International Security, cosponsored by the World Academy of Art and Science, CSIA, the Cornell University Program for Peace Studies, and the Peace Science Society (at KSG).

Barry Posen continued research and writing for his doctoral dissertation "The Determinants of Strategic Doctrine" with special emphasis on German, French, and British doctrine in the 1930s, and U.S. doctrine in the late 1940s and early 1950s. He presented a research seminar at CSIA on "The Military Balance-Spending, Europe, and the Gulf" and gave another research seminar at the New York Lehrman Institute on Military Strategy and Military Spending." He also served as paper discussant on the role of military force at the CSIA Energy and Security Working Group.Reinhard Rainer concentrated his research efforts on public policy implications of nuclear and other energy forms, energy security, nonproliferation and IAEA safeguards, INFCE and NPT, nuclear fuel assurances, and the nuclear fuel cycle. He lectured on "INFCE, NPT, IAEA," in KSG course S-107; gave a CSIA research seminar on "International Nuclear Safeguards"; presented a paper entitled "Safeguards" at the Quaker UN Seminar on Nonproliferation and Energy Security; and gave another paper on "The IAEA and Current International Nuclear Energy Problems" at the Cornell University Peace Studies Program.

Donald Rea conducted a study of policy issues involving the formation of an operational Land Remote Sensing System (LRSS). A report on this work is now in progress. He has given lectures and seminars on that topic in KSG course S-482a and also at Brown University''s geology department. "Jupiter as Seen by Voyager" was the subject of seminars he gave at both MIT and Brown University. He attended a workshop sponsored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) designed to solicit inputs from the private sector in structuring a plan for implementing an operational LRSS, and he provided direct input to NOAA regarding their plan preparation. He worked with the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics and the Aspen Institute to implement a 1981 Aspen workshop which would examine humanistic and global implications of space sciences/ communications and navigation applications, and earth resources applications.

Randy Rydell was a teaching assistant for "Technology, War, and Peace" (SS-159/S-222) during the fall term. He presented a CSIA research seminar and also organized an informal seminar on nuclear nonproliferation for members of CSIA and MIT. He attended Hastings Center''s annual conference where he presented a paper on "Resolving Scientific Controversies: The Case of Nuclear Power''" and at the Hastings Center Conference on Closure he gave a paper on "The Problem of Closure in Three Nuclear Power Controversies" (to be published in the proceedings).

Jane Sharp directed her major efforts towards completing her doctoral thesis. She presented a paper at the New England Regional Conference of the Inter-University Seminar on Military Studies at New Port Institute, entitled "Nuclear Weapons in Europe: Alternatives for Control." She gave a CSIA research seminar on "Prospects for Controlling Theater Nuclear Forces in Europe: Some Lessons From the Past." She attended the 1979 Stanley Foundation Strategy for Peace Conference in Virginia and served on the Washington Program Committee of the Council for a Livable World.Robin Staffin delivered a lecture on missile guidance and a history of anti-ballistic missile development at MIT''s arms control and technology course. At CSIA he gave a research seminar and an informal seminar, and he attended the Center''s conference on Ballistic Missile Defense.Barry Steiner presented a paper "The Legacy of Bernard Brodie" at a UCLA Conference in Memory of Bernard Brodie and at CSIA gave a research seminar on "The Unpublished Writings of Bernard Brodie."

Alvin Streeter continued research and work on his doctoral dissertation entitled: "Fueling the Bomb?" He organized and chaired MIT''s Black Students'' Conference on Science and Technology, where he delivered a paper, "Black Americans, Science, Technology and Business in the 1980s." He attended the Harvard University Conference on The Medical Consequences of Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear War, and the Columbia University Conference on South Africa, where he delivered a paper entitled "On the Relationship between Anti-Apartheid and AntiNuclear Forces Today.'''' He gave a research seminar at CSIA on ''Nuclear Power and Nuclear Proliferation— the Role of Fuel Assurance," and "Investigating Barriers to Increased Industrial Energy Security in the U.S." was the topic of a seminar at the KSG Energy and Environmental Policy Center where he worked as research assistant for three months. In the fall of 1979 he was campaign manager for David Blackman, candidate for Cambridge School Committee, and he completed work on a study of Canadian and American uranium resources and nuclear policies.

Stephen Van Evera directed his efforts this year towards completing his doctoral thesis, entitled "Military Policy and the Causes of War," an overview of the relations between the military forces states maintain and the likelihood of war, the possibility of limiting war, and the probable intensity of the arms race. He presented a CSIA Research Seminar, "The Current Military Situation: Europe and the Persian Gulf" and a Lehrman Institute Research Seminar,"Military Strategy and Military Spending." He attended the International Studies Association annual conference in Los Angeles, where he presented a paper entitled "Offense, Defense, Nuclear Weapons and the Causes of War."

Agatha Wong lectured on "Chinese Attitudes Towards Arms Control" at the Woodrow Wilson School of Government at Princeton University; on "Soviet Threat in the Persian Gulf" at the Conference on American Defense Issues in the Eighties at Williams College; presented a CSIA research seminar on "China''s Military Modernization: Problems and Prospects;" and participated in the AAS Annual Conference Round Tables on "Arms Control and Security Policies in Southern Asia" and "International Implications of the Indochina Conflicts." In addition, she attended the Conference on Arms Control and International Security at KSG.

Dorothy Zinberg taught two KSG courses: "Energy Policy, Social Response and Public Management" (S-107) and "Science, Technology and Public Policy" (S-482). She lectured on "Social Acceptability of Energy Policy" at the International Scientific Forum on Energy for Developed and Developing Countries (Nice, France), on "Nuclear Wastes and Future Generations" at the Spring Hill Conference on Science, Technology, and Human Values, and on "Hazardous Wastes and Public Policy" at the Northeast Conference on Hazardous Waste. In addition to the above, she attended the annual meeting of the AAAS where she presented a paper on International Science Policy; the IIASA review meeting in Vienna; the CSIA-Aspen Nuclear Waste Conference; and testified at the NSF Authorization Hearings of the Subcommittee on Science Research and Technology. She chaired the committee to select AAAS Fellows for the Science, Engineering and Diplomacy Fellows Program at OES (Department of State), consulted for the Chase Manhattan Bank Energy Division, for the League of Women Voters, and for the National Advisory Council at Hampshire College. She continued as member of the Committee on International Relations at the National Academy of Sciences, chaired the Advisory Committee to the International Division of the National Science Foundation, and served on the Fulbright Council of the council of International Exchange of Scholars.

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