Reports & Papers

BCSIA Annual Report, 1979-1980: Seminars


4. Seminars


During the past year the Center continued to sponsor three regular series of seminars: the Harvard Arms Control Seminar, the CSIA Visitors Seminar, and the CSIA Research Seminar. In addition, it offered jointly with the Kennedy School Energy and Environmental Policy Center, a special seminar series on Energy and Security.

Harvard Arms Control Seminar

Nine Arms Control Seminars were conducted before audiences ranging in size from 50 to 200. Following each seminar, a smaller group of changing composition met for dinner and discussion with the invited speaker.

Speakers and their topics were as follows:

September 19 Prince Bandar Bin Sultan Bin Abdulaziz, Major, Saudi Arabian Air Force: "Saudi Arabia and World Problems"

September 24 Harold Brown, Secretary of Defense: "Strategic Balance and U.S. Defense Policy"

October 17 Francois de Laboulaye, French Ambassador to the U.S.: "European Security from a French Perspective

November 14 Leslie Gelb, Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: "U.S.- Soviet Relations and the Future of Arms Control"

November 28 George H. Quester, Professor of Government, Cornell University: "Public Opinion and SALT II"

February 6 William Griffith, Ford Professor of Political Science, M.I.T.: "TNF Modernization and German Domestic Politics"

March 5 Robert Bowie, Clarence Dillon Professor of International Affairs: "Estimates and Verification: A View from the CIA"

March 19 Major General Jasper A. Welch, Jr., Defense Coordinator, National Security Council: "Integrated Arms Control and Defense Planning"

April 30 Richard Lowenthal, Professor Emeritus of International Relations, Free University of Berlin: "The International Crisis and the Western Response: European Perspectives"

Visitors Seminar

Twenty-six Visitors Seminars were held during the year. Normally participation was limited to
20-30 individuals'' thus providing a forum suitable for in-depth discussions with the visiting

Speakers and their topics appear below.

September 24 Mikaial Milstein'' Former Member of theGeneral Staff, USSR: "SALT: Problemsand Perspectives"

October 17 Drs. Henrikh Trofimenko and AleksanderChubaryan, IREX Russian Delegation:"U.S.-Soviet Relations"

October 22 Jonathan Pollack, RAND Corporation; "TheStrategic Triangle Reconsidered"

October 24 William Rodgers, Former Secretary ofTransportation and Opposition Spokespersonon Arms Control in U.K.: "Does SALTMatter? A European Perspective"

October 26 Jorma K. Miettinen, Professor of Radio-chemistry, University of Helsinki:"Global Strategic Balance and Arms Controlin Europe"

November 7 Joseph Kruzel, Steven Baker, Stephen Flanagan,Staff Members, U.S. Congress: "SALT II:Administrative and Senate Perspectives"

November 13 Simon Ramo, Director, and Chairman of Scienceand Technology Committee, TRW: "Science andTechnology Policy"

November 19 Everett Mendelsohn, Professor, History ofScience, Harvard University; "Nuclear Dis-armament and the Soviets'' Current Problems"

November 26 W. Richard Smyser, Georgetown Center forStrategic Studies: "Theater Nuclear Force:Current Perspective"

November 28 Sultan M. Khan'' Pakistan Ambassador tothe U.S.: "Pakistan in its GeopoliticalSetting"

December 3 Torbjorn Westermark, Professor, Departmentof Nuclear Chemistry, The Royal Instituteof Technology, Stockholm: "Nuclear Wasteand the Swedish Report on Harrisburg"

December 17 Karl Kaiser, Director, Forschungsinstitutder Deutschen Gesellechaft fOr AuswhrtigePolitik, "German Perspective on International Security"

January 28 Ron Ronen,"Current Issues in Domestic Israeli Politics"

January 30 Harvey Brooks, Benjamin Peirce Professorof Technology and Public Policy, Harvard:"Responses to the CONAES Report"

February 6 Professor Moshe Arens, Chairman of ForeignAffairs and Defense Committee of Knesset:"Current Events in the Middle East"

February 8 Kristen Voight, Member of Foreign AffairsCommittee of SPD, FRG: "The Policy of theFRG in the Field of Arms Control"

February 13 Richard Neustadt, Lucius N. LittauerProfessor of Public Administration,Kennedy School of Government: "Korea,Cuba, Afghanistan: Some Observations fromthe White House"

February 27 Roger D. Fisher, Professor, Harvard LawSchool: "International Conflict— ApplyingTheory to Practice: Iran"

March 5 Matthew Meselson, Cabot Professor of theNatural Sciences: "Chemical Weapons andChemical Arms Control"

March 17 Strobe Talbott'' Translator and Editor of two volumes of Krushchev''s Memoirs, author of Endgame: The Storv of SALT II, and diplomatic correspondent, Time Magazine: "The Present Mood in Moscow"

April 2 Shlomo Gazit, CFIA Fellow, Major General, Army of Israel: "Security Considerations for Israel in the Negotiation Process Today"
April 7 Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani, Fellow, The RockefeIler Foundation: "Recent Political and Economic Events in Iran"
April 7 Richard Riley, Governor of South Carolina: ''nuclear Wastes and the States"

April 15 Michael Howard, Chichele Professor of the History of War, All Souls College, Oxford: "Aspects of Military Strategy"

April 16 William Vanden Heuvel, U.S. Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations: "The Iranian Situation Viewed from the U.N."

April 23 Edward McGaffigan, Science Officer'' U.S. Embassy, Moscow "Soviet Energy Policy"

Research Seminar

The Research Seminars provided the opportunity for members of the Center''s research staff to report on their work in progress and to obtain their colleagues'' reactions. To facilitate the free flow of ideas, these seminars were informal and off-the-record, and attendance was limited to members of the staff'' members of the Advisory Committee, the Faculty of the Kennedy School of Government, and other individuals invited by the speaker.

October 10 Stephen David "Soviet-American Military Assistance and Third-World Realignment"

October 31 David Deese "Current Security and Energy Issues in U.S.-Japanese Relations"

December 10 Barry Steiner "The Unpublished Writings of Bernard Brodie"

January 23 Albert Carnesale "Results from the International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation"

January 31 Paul Doty "Geneva Report"

March 10 Athanassios Platias "Problems in the Southeastern Sector of NATO"

March 12 Reinhard Rainer "International Nuclear Safeguards"
March l9 Randy Rydell and Alvin Streeter "Nuclear Power and Nuclear Non-proliferation"

March 31 Robin Staffin "ABM -- Past, Present and Future"
April 9 Peter Malone "Modernization of British Nuclear Forces"
April 14 Agatha Wong "Military Modernization in China: Problems and Prospects"
April 21 Barry Posen and Stephen Van Evera "The East-West- Military Balance: Spending, NATO, and Intervention Capabilities"
April 28 Jane Sharp "Prospects for Controlling Theater NuclearForces in Europe: Some Lessons from the Past"

Energy and Security Seminar
This year'' in conjunction with the Kennedy School Energy and Environmental Policy Center and
the Harvard Center for International Affairs, CSIA sponsored the Energy and Security Seminar,
primarily involving faculty members, CFIA, CSIA, and E&EPC fellows, and graduate students
interested in working in this field. The number of participants was purposely limited in order to
encourage continuity in the discussions following the presentations.

October 15 Alvin Alm, KSG "Current U.S. Planning"

November 5 Geoffrey Kemp, Fletcher School "Military Threats to Persian Gulf Oil Supplies"
November 20 William Griffith, M.I.T. "The Petroleum Palestinian Linkage"

November 26 Marshall Goldman and Herbert Sawyer, Russian Research Center, Harvard "Soviet Energy" Agatha Wong, CSIA "China"
November 27 Tom Teisberg, M.I.T. "Strategic Petroleum Reserve"

December 10 Henry Jacoby, M.I.T. "Implications of Changing Oil Market Structure"

December 17 Dan Poneman, Lincoln College, Oxford "Three LDCs: Nuclear Energy Policies of Argentina, Indonesia, and Iran"

February 25 Munemichi Inoue and Kunisada Kume, CFIA "Energy Security for Japan"
March 3 Linda Miller, WeIlesley College "An Energy Security Policy for the European Community?"

March 17 Ted Moran'' Georgetown University "Models of Decision Making in OPEC, with a Focus on the U.S.-Saudi Arabia Relationship"
March 31 Gary Samore, Harvard Government Dept. "Saudi Arabia: Assessing the Internal and Regional Threats to Oil Supplies''

April 7 Ernest Wilson, Univ. of Pennsylvania "Energy Security and the Oil-Importing Less-Developed Countries"

April 14 Joseph S. Nye, Harvard "Energy as a Security Problem"

April 28 Bill Hogan, E&EPC, KSG, Harvard "Short Term Planning for Energy"

May 5 Alvin Alm, KSG, Harvard "Lessons of Iran for U.S. Energy/ Security Preparations"

May 21 & 22 Two-day Workshop for Peer Reviewing Drafts of Commissioned Papers

Among the individuals who visited CSIA during 1979-80 and were engaged in informal
discussions with CSIA members and others were: Walter Isaard, Cornell University; Friedrich
Baron van Dungern, German Consul, Boston; Richard Edar, New York Times; Barbara Newell,
U.S. Ambassador to UNESCO; Edward Frieman, Department of Energy; Thaddeus Trenn, Max
Planck Institute, Starnberg, Germany; Dr Barry Blechman, Carnegie Endowment; Dr. Edwin
Deagle, Rockefeller Foundation; Professor Corona, National University of Mexico; R.R.
Subramanian, Institute for Defense Studies, New Delhi, India; Patrick Lucey, U.S. Ambassador
to Mexico; Pierre Marais, Controller General of the French Army and Secretary General of the
Foundation for National Defense Studies, Paris; R. Uberhorst, member of SPD Bundestag,

Table of Contents:

OverviewOrganization and Personnel

Research and PublicationsSeminars Other Program Activities Related Professional Activities Former Members of the Research Staff

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