June 5–7, 2013, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico
The purpose of this Forum and Roundtable was to initiate a dialog between the two communities: distinguished practitioners of the art of research and experts in the emerging science of research. The Forum and Roundtable was held at Sandia National Laboratories with a dual focus: to identify science that can be applied to improving how research is done and to identify ways in which Sandia could apply such to its own processes. The group was also interested in exploring gaps in the science of the art that, if narrowed, would someday enable improvements in how research is carried out at Sandia as a prototypical National Laboratory. By sharing these proceedings, we hope to encourage a lively dialogue in how mission oriented national laboratories might restructure their efforts for enhancing their effectiveness and purpose, etc.
Tsao, Jeff Y., Glory R. Emmanuel, Toluwalogo Odumosu, Austin R. Silva, Venkatesh Narayanamurti, Gregory J. Feist, George W. Crabtree, Curtis M. Johnson, Julia I. Lane, Laura McNamara, S. Tom Picraux, R. Keith Sawyer, Richard P. Schneider, Christian D. Schunn, and Rickson Sun. "Art and Science of Science and Technology: Proceedings of the Forum and Roundtable." June 5–7, 2013, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, December 2013.