The promise, prospects, and public policy trade-offs related to the greater use and production of second-generation biofuels were addressed in an executive session convened by the Harvard Kennedy School on November 13 and 14, 2014. The session attracted more than 25 of the world's leading experts from the fields of policy, science, and business for an intensive two day session. The agenda consisted of three sessions focused on (i) the sustainability of cellulosic supply chains, (ii) government policy options to attract investment and (iii) government policy options to ensure that environmental objectives are met. The discussions were off-the-record, with each participant present in his or her own capacity, rather than representing an organization. This report is a summary of the main points and issues raised over the two days.
The workshop was hosted by the Energy Technology Innovation Policy research group within the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Harvard Kennedy School. While we are grateful for the support of Shell International Petroleum, LLC and funds from the Roy Family fund, the findings in this summary report are those of the authors and do not represent those of Harvard University or any of its donors.
Huenteler, Joern, Laura Diaz Anadon, Henry Lee and Nidhi R. Santen. “Commercializing Second-Generation Biofuels: Scaling Up Sustainable Supply Chains and the Role of Public Policy.” Energy Technology Innovation Policy Project, Belfer Center, November 13-14, 2014