The Kosovo conflict in Spring 1999 brought an unsettling close to the 20th Century, representing both a critical test of post WWII international security structures and a chapter in a human tragedy that is far from concluded. In this volume, Philip Auerswald (a BCSIA Fellow and Editor of the Foreign Policy Bulletin) and David Auerswald (Assistant Prof. of Political Science at George Washington University) have compiled the definitive collection of official, unclassified documents— agreements, speeches, communiques, and statements— surrounding this event. The volume begins with the full text of the speech by Slobodan Milosevic at Kosovo Polje in April, 1987, which marked the beginning of the mid-level Communist official's ascension to power on the ticket of Serbian nationalism. The volume traces growing tensions in the province over the ensuing decade, as well as the concurrent increase in international concern. Particularly attention is given to the immediate prelude to the conflict and the conflict itself. Each chapter is prefaced with an essay and chronology describing that chapter's context. This work will be an invaluable resource for practitioners, students of politics, and historians.
“The Kosovo Conflict: A Diplomatic History Through Documents.” Auerswald, Philip, ed. Kluwer Law International, August 2000