from CAIJING Annual Edition: Forecasts and Strategies

Climate Change: The Clock Keeps Ticking


The emission powers have climate goals, but the question is whether any country can implement measures to achieve them

Three reports between Sept. and Nov. 2011 documented a rapidly accelerating deterioration in the global climate system caused by the release of heat trapping gases from the intensive use of fossil fuels, land use change and industrial gas emissions. Fortunately, a fourth report suggests a means for mitigating these emissions in a manner that is aligned with a growing part of the Chinese economy.

In Nov. 2011, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a special report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation.

This report concluded that extreme events like floods and prolonged droughts are already occurring as a result of human alteration of the climate system.

These changes are occurring because of additions of heat trapping gases to the atmosphere and to land use changes.

The observed damage from these altered climate events is often worsened by decisions to build or place communities in vulnerable locations....

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CAIJING Annual Edition is produced by the CAIJING editorial team at the end of every year. CAIJING Annual Edition reflects on the most important developments of the past 12 months and explores world trends for the coming year.

Recommended citation

Moomaw, William R. and Kelly Sims Gallagher. “Climate Change: The Clock Keeps Ticking.” CAIJING Annual Edition: Forecasts and Strategies, 2012

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